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We hope we’ve managed to teach you a little bit about quantum computing and quantum computers!

Between us, we have decades worth of experience in Computer Science, Engineering, Software Design, etc... Please feel free to browse this site at your leisure. Now that quantum computers are a reality, quantum computing is on the verge of taking over the advanced processing industry. Just a few years from now, processing-intensive applications will start to be run on actual, real-life quantum computers. Not just proof-of-concept types of machines, actual off-the-rack quantum computers! Well, actually, this is already starting to happen today!

So, you’d better start learning about this game-changing new technology immediately! Before it’s too late and quantum computers are everywhere, running everything.

Get a head-start on everyone else. Now. Quantum computers are here to stay - get ready for them!

Quantum Computing 101

from Quantumly.com


  • Benjamin Solloway, Undergrad Researcher, Institute of Quantum Computing, University of Waterloo, Ontario Canada. Physics Teaching Assistant, Haverford College, Boston, Mass, USA.
  • Julian King, computer science writer
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