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Timeline of Quantum-Computers Definitions of Key Quantum-Computing Terms and Phrases
Quantum Computing Quantum Cloud Computer

What are the requirements of a qubit?

What is a quantum computer? And how does it work?

What is a Quantum Cloud Computer?

The key considerations when evaluating a qubit is whether it is scalable, capable of accessing universal logic, and whether it is correctable.

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And, how does a quantum-computer work? The #1 question we get asked.

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What is cloud-computing? And why is it all the rage nowadays? What is quantum cloud computing? And, what is a quantum cloud computer?

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Researchers are optimistic that commercial quantum computers will be produced in our lifetimes. However it is extremely difficult to predict the rate at which breakthroughs will be made. Already there are major technology companies invested in this pursuit, such as Microsoft, Google, IBM, Intel and others. Additionally there are many other start-up companies such as D-Wave and Rigetti Computing. We can already tell that there is huge promise in quantum computers. For instance, D-Wave has raised over $200 million and Rigetti has raised nearly $70 million. We can be sure that significant investments and advancements in quantum computing will continue to be made in the future. However, it is unclear what the impact of quantum computing will be on our lives.

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A quantum computer is a device or computer that uses quantum states of subatomic particles to process and store information or data. While regular computers use bits to process data (ones and zeroes), whereas quantum-computers use qubits or qudits instead (which can have far more than just two values, allowing them to hold/process far more information than a regular computer could ever dream of).